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Showing 181 to 186 (of 189 items)
  • Type Sexual Signatures

    Type Sexual Signatures

    Ra reveals how honoring our Aura Type is the key to avoiding negative interaction, and to attaining our unique sexual potential by entering into intimacy correctly.
  • Understanding the Dreamer’s Design

    Understanding the Dreamer’s Design

    Understanding dreams is important, but how do we know what to look for? Learn how we are all designed for the Dream State and how it can influence our decision making.
  • Uniqueness and the Transcendent Life

    Uniqueness and the Transcendent Life

    What does it mean to live a life based on your uniqueness? Join Ra as he discusses how trusting our individuality can lead to transcendence from homogenization.
  • You and Love/Sex/Friendship

    You and Love/Sex/Friendship

    How can we experience fulfilling love, sex and relationships? Join Ra for this new release, and discover how to free yourself of conditioning influences and remain uniquely yourself in relationships.
  • You and the Other

    You and the Other

    How does Type influence how we relate to others? How can we understand the connection between two people based on their Type and auras? Join Ra in this 1- hour lecture on Type-for-Type connections.
  • You and the Program

    You and the Program

    How can we prepare for the changes 2027 will bring? Join Ra in exploring how the Program that has influenced us is ending, and how claiming our Authority can guide us in transcending this life.
    $37.00 $47.00
Showing 181 to 186 (of 189 items)