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Showing 163 to 168 (of 189 items)
  • The Primary Gates of Action | RA1.3

    The Primary Gates of Action | RA1.3

    Our activity is controlled by three Centers: Emotions, Ego and Sacral. Ra elaborates on the primary Gates of action operating out of the Throat, and the dynamic between the 20/34 Manifesting Generator channel and the 43/23 Projector channel.
  • The Right Stuff in a Left World

    The Right Stuff in a Left World

    The “Right” Receptive approach is the focus of the evolutionary movement. Learn the strengths of the “Right” Receptive being, and what they need to survive.
  • The Senses of The BodyGraph | RA1.1

    The Senses of The BodyGraph | RA1.1

    This lesson explores our senses, both at the architectural level and, more mundanely, as tools that keep us alive, alert and in touch. Learn about each sense and how to align yourself with your architecture to experience life as you were designed.Topics covered: The Underlying Architecture of the B
  • The Six Motivations of the Not-Self

    The Six Motivations of the Not-Self

    The Six Motivations of the Not-Self is an examination of the impact of Color Transference on Humanity and how it distorts the basic drives of our collective personalities.
  • The Solar Plexus Streams | RA1.11

    The Solar Plexus Streams | RA1.11

    The Solar Plexus System is the emotional Authority of the majority of beings on the planet, and a great deal of distortion permeates its energy field. In this lesson, Ra uses the Solar Plexus Streams to illustrate the beauty of aware Emotionality.
  • The Splenic Streams | RA1.9

    The Splenic Streams | RA1.9

    Streams are the bedrock of understanding the BodyGraph and its energy flow, and can give us a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. Ra looks at the influence of Individual, logical Collective, and Tribal Circuity.
Showing 163 to 168 (of 189 items)